
a person walking on a sidewalk


a person in a wheelchair

About us

Everyone deserves dignity and inclusion 

Our Mission

"Is to enhance and create spaces within the built environment to create equal access for all."

We are passionate about advocating for equitable accessibility, especially for those with disability. 

  • Livable Housing Design Guidelines Assessor
  • Diploma in Access Consulting 
  • Accredited Building Designer 

Why engage an access consultant?

Every day, people experience barriers in our world which physicals prevent them from being able to participate in daily life. This creates a divide in our society and alienation that 49.6%* of people will experience at some point in their life.

Access for Life is improving accessibility and removing barriers. We advocate, educate and provide exceptional advice so that our society is inclusive and people are not held back by the works that we have built. When you engage Access for life you know that you are getting honesty, accuracy and are being a part of the improvement of our work for others, your loved ones and yourself.

*one in two 49.6% of people aged 65 years and over have a disability in 2018.

What we do

Access for Life is based in Launceston, Tasmania and provides access consultancy services Statewide with a focus on inclusivity for all people in the built environment. We specialise in livable homes and accessible buildings ensuring they are built to the comply with access requirements and best practice.  Our specialist services can assist you in identifying elements which are creating a barrier for access and prioritise improvements.

Engagement of our services in the early planning and design phases of a project improve the outcomes in providing equitable access for all.  As Access consultants with a Building Design background, we have in depth building knowledge and experience to provide a client and solution focused service and high-quality assessments and advice.

Building Access Audits

We can provide access audits based on plans for a new build project. 

Design Plan Assessments

We create design plan assessments to determine if your project meets your accessibility needs. 

Design Consultation

We offer design consultations to determine the accessibility needs for your new build project

Development of Performance Solutions

We can put together performance solutions if the accessibility needs cannot easily be met. 

Advice on Alteration & Additions

we can provide expert advice on accessibility for an existing dwelling requiring alterations or additions. 

Livable Housing Design Guidelines Assessments

The Livable Housing Australia Design Guidelines are for private homes to suit LHA levels. 


View our capability statement to view our key capabilities and how Access for Life could help you with with your access consulting needs

Front cover of booklet 7 Key Features for Residential Accessibility

Download our guide to residential accessibility

Download our guide to help you identify 7 key accessibility features in your home. 

Bianca Pople


Bianca is a Qualified Access Consultant, Registered Livable Housing Design Guidelines Assessor and Accredited Building Designer and holds a Bachelor of Environmental Design (Architecture) and Diploma of Access Consulting. With over 7 years of experience in Building Design in both residential and commercial developments, Bianca found her passion for improving accessibility outcomes across all building types. As the lead designer of over 260 livable and accessible social housing properties and 13 assisted living and group homes Bianca has a strong commitment to enhancing the wellbeing of our community.

Experience: Over 7 Years

Experience: Building Design, Access Consultant, LHA Assessor

Phone: 0427 967 348

Email: [email protected]

Core Competencies

  • Access audit reports for the built environment.
  • Livable Housing Australia guidelines assessment.
  • Advice on retrofitting for existing homes or businesses.
  • Concept design and construction drawings.
  • Design and reports on access to a premises (carparks etc).
  • Suitable performance based solutions.
  • An understanding of the Disability Discrimination Act .
  • Solutions for compliance with the Building Code of Australia.