Development of Performance Solutions
A Performance Solution is a compliance solution for Performance Requirements within the BCA and the Access to Premises Standards.
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What are Performance Solutions?
Performance solutions or formally known as an alternative solution is a building solution that complies with the performance requirements of the National Construction Code (NCC). To achieve performance requirements there must be sufficient evidence to support the use of the material or product, the design or specific construction must meet the performance requirement.
When are Performance Solutions required?
Performance solutions are alternative solutions to the deemed to satisfy requirements which are outlined in the Building Code of Australia (BCA). The need for a performance solution report can be brought about in several ways. The most likely is that a building surveyor has highlighted a non-compliance with regards to the BCA and/or Access to Premises Standards. There are a variety of Australian Standards concerning accessibility, mentioned in the BCA. One example is the building code referenced AS 1428.1 for accessibility. If non compliance has been discovered there are two options available. The first option requires altering plans/development in order to comply. Alternatively, you can engage an access consultant to put together a performance solution report. The building surveyor will need to assess the performance solution on how it demonstrates its compliance under the BCA.
The National Construction Code provisions for Performance Solutions videos
What is a Performance Solution?
How is a Performance Solution developed?
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